Friday, September 9, 2011


I don't think I ever got to share Newby's big 20 week ultrasound picture! I've been so busy and distracted the last week.
Here it is:

Our sweet Newby (facing down with spine along top...You can see her ear and hand on her face and another foot [or hand?] up near her face). Not the best 20 week u/s pic we've ever had, but sweet just the same!)
Newby had no interest in showing us her gender. Very shy little thing with legs and feet all tucked up and sitting VERY low so the tech couldn't really even get a peek down there. So my guess is GIRL  Roo and Friendly were both extremely modest. Every ultrasound picture I've seen of boys seems like they make it VERY obvious.

So a winter surprise it will be!! Very excited. :0)

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