Saturday, October 20, 2012

Health ...Our Journey....Goodbye gluten!

GF and DF cupcakes
I have decided to go on a social networking break for the next few weeks. I felt like I needed to fast from some thing- and since I can't really fast from food at this point (Nursing Mama that I am), I decided social networking was the place to start. I haven't had much time for facebook/message board stuff as I used to...But I would bop on when Piper was nursing or in the evening for my "me time". 

I am now using that time to read, and reflect. I have been reading our old blog (Our Family Our Story), going through the posts of when Roo and Friendly were Pips age. Oh that time! I ache to see how big my babies have grown! I mean physically ache, it isn't fair how fast they grew!!! I look at the few pictures of me on that blog, and I remember how tired I was and how sick I always felt. 

I have to say, with three littles: I am tired and stretched thin. But I feel so so so much better now- even with all the "extra" that is life. And I have my wonderful amazing husband to thank for that. 

I don't think I have talked about it much on our blog (or at all) but we have made some HUGE dietary changes over the last almost two years. It turns out that I have Duhring's Disease (similar to Celiac Disease except the legions are on your skin as well as your intestines). It is controlled by a strict gluten-free (no products with wheat, barley, or rye) diet.  I have been 200% (I mean STRICT, I have to eat 100% certified GF or my rash gets worse) gluten-free for sixteen months now and I can't believe the difference it has made for my body. While it can take more than two years for the gluten to be detoxed and the rash to clear (and stress and exhaustion can exacerbate the condition) I am doing so so so much better! 

Around this time (and a scary trip to the ER later) we also discovered Friendly is showing signs of having this same disease (or similar) and have been on a path to getting her healthy and pain-free. We (as a family) are now gluten AND dairy-free - and it really wouldn't be possible (or affordable) if it weren't for Ryan taking on his new "hobby" of baking for our family. 

I am a great cook. But baking is the bane of my existence! There is no room for *my* kind of creativity! There is so much (too much!)  science too it! Too much trial and error! Ryan is awesome at it! 

He grinds home-made rice flour for us (saves us hundreds of dollars a year!) 

And has mastered some delicious GF/DF recipes!


I wish I could express the difference this diet has made for our family. On top of being GF/DF we have also returned to traditional whole foods. Lots of simple basic meals and foods. Friendly is thriving and pain free. And I am slowly but certainly healing and getting to a sure strong place for the first time in life? 

Thank you Ryan, for realizing this is what we needed to be healthy and taking the initiative to help us stay on the course to eating ourselves healthy! Love you!

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