Thursday, October 6, 2011

Holiday Wish List

The Holidays are going to be here before we know it. Add to that  "Birthday Season"! And I'm not just talking about Newby's arrival, though heaven knows we'll be adding a FOURTH Birthday into the end/beginning of the year..On top of the holidays. All I can say is, God thinks it's funny. But SHEESH! :0D

We've been asked by a few people if there is any thing the girls especially want or need this year and I thought I would throw a few ideas out there.

Toys: We don't need any more!!! We have stuffed animals (well loved, and always in use!) and baby dolls (again well loved and always at play) coming out of our ears...We treasure them...Seriously, if all of our stuffed animals were Velvatine Rabbits, they'd be REAL by now. I've never seen stuffed animals go on so many adventures. Our apartment is roomy and we are so thankful for the space...But we (at this age and stage) have all the toys we could ever need! :0)

Roo is turning 4 in December. She weights about 35lbs and and is 41.5inches tall. She is quickly outgrowing 4T stuff...She could use some summer clothing in 5T and is going into size 10 shoes...She always needs socks! She also has a desperate love of fleece footie sleepers and would need them in a size 6T (Carter's brand...I'm not sure maybe 5T in another) to get the most use out of them. She also loves dresses that "twirl"... Especially summer sundresses. We could always use some nice cotton shorts (size 5) for UNDER those dresses next summer. :0)

Friendly just turned 2 in August and is 24lbs and about 36inches tall. She wears 3T for the most part. She's pretty much set for clothing thanks to big sister... Some 3T summer things might be good as Roo was kind of hard on a lot of her stuff! :0)

I highly doubt Newb'll arrive before the holidays... We could use a few more diaper covers as a few of the ones from Roo are starting to wear out.
We use ones like THESE: (gender neutral colors, and no white as it doesn't hide dirt very well).

Other ideas...
PAPER! Yes, good 'ol printers paper. Both girls (but especially Roo) draw day and night...They are good about using both sides of the page and BOY do they work on ther little masterpieces.. But keeping her in paper: well, we always need more! :0)

Markers, crayons, paint, really any low-key and simple art supply you can think of: we'll use like CRAZY!

Pasta (the fun shaped ones)... I know this might seem strange...But just throwing things out there! Trying to name simple things that wil lknock their socks off! :0) We dye them and make them into necklaces and other cool art projects.

Have any old ribbons, or yarn or any thing....feel free to send it our way...We love to get crafty! We'll be sure to post pictures. :0)

A family pool pass  to our local public pool is $150.00 if you wanted to donate towards that for next summer, it would get a lot of use!

I think that's all I'll post this as a "page" on our blog so you can come back and see it if you want.

Lots of October pictures and things to share when I get a chance!

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